
Showing posts from February, 2022

Blog post # 31 Writing Feature Story Lead

 Descriptive lead A normal day in the park could never be considered a place of life changing events, right?  Nothing could have prepared Montrail for what was about to happen. Getting hit in the head with a ball wouldn’t be on anyones agenda.  Dealing damage to his head, Montrail now has slow thinking and is not very bright. 

Blog post # 30 Feature Lead

  Narrative  18 people were called last night to tell them that they won a brand new car! The caller claimed to be Allen Rutherford, President of Doss Boulevard Inc. The people who were called were interviewed by reporters who said they couldn’t believe. And they shouldn’t have. The 18 people when arrived at the dealership at the time of its doors opening, only to be let down by the real Allen Rutherford, telling them that they didn’t win anything. “…Two other women began to cry, and a man threatened to sue me.”, said Allen Rutherford when breaking the news to them. 

Blog post# 29 Feature Lead

  Direct Quote  “We can’t justify the cost of the freebies. We don’t make much on a gallon of gas and if you start giving things away to attract customers, we end up making nothing…” says Cecil LaCette. Freebies are no longer available because of America’s rising expenses and supply demand. Cecil LaCette, manager of Southside services has had customer come to the gas station and over use the cleaning towels which costed 2 cents per towel. Not only gas stations are affected by these freebies. Clothing stores and service stations run out of their supplies because of their low prices. In order to not waste goods due to cheap prices, prices would need to be raised so that factories do not over produce. By setting these new restrictions and increasing prices, companies do not have to waste factory goods. 

Blog post# 28 Feature Lead

  Descriptive lead The myths and rumors are true? Woman work harder than men?! Resent studies at University of Michigan has discoursing ground breaking truths. The stereotype of woman being only known for gossip and drama is now unveiled. Studies have been observed through several woman and men who work in clerical jobs, such as offices. Results yielded that men take 11% of their work day for coffee breaks, lunch breaks, and unscheduled rest breaks. Meanwhile woman have shown 8% of their work days for rest breaks or lunch breaks. With woman showing more effort in their jobs, you think they’d be payed more. Despite both woman and men    working in the same environment, men paycheck are 13$ per hour while woman work for 9.34 an hour. Even when woman ask for more hours than men do.